School Community Councils (SCC) play a vital role in Hawaii’s education system. They are part of the leadership structure at each school and enable shared-decision making among principals, teachers, school staff, parents, students and community members to improve student achievement. Click here for
- Support the school's efforts to increase student achievement.
- Help engage the community in understanding and supporting the school.
- Support the principal, teachers, and other school staff.
- Equal Numbers of School personnel (administrators, teachers, other staff) and "Primary Stakeholders" (students, parents, community members).
Selection of Members:
- Principal
- Teachers elected by teachers
- Non-certificated personnel elected by non-certificated personnel
- Parents elected by parents
- Community representatives elected by the community
- Students elected by the student body
- Participate in the selection and evaluation of the principal.
- Review the principal's determination of the school's repair/maintenance needs.
- Provide collaborative opportunities for input and consultation.
- Ensure the Academic and Financial Plan is aligned with the educational accountability system.
School Community Council is not
- A governing board.
- A forum for promoting personal agendas.
- A body whose members "represent" constituencies.
School Community Council does not:
- Hire and fire the principal.
- Control school finances.
- Evaluate teachers or other staff.